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Women’s Basketball Loses Their Conference Winning Streak

Women’s Basketball Loses Their Conference Winning Streak

TORRANCE, Calif. – An unsettling night for Women's Basketball, as their undefeated conference play came to an end. The Warriors (6-1, 12-10 overall) had their first conference loss to the Long Beach City College Vikings, 51-53.

The first quarter started slow for the Warriors as the Vikings outscored them 20-11. Long Beach's, Ayerjenee Jeanmard scored 13 points in the first quarter alone. The Warriors' momentum switched in the second quarter, holding the Vikings to only 8 points, ending the half with the Vikings up by 5, 23-28.  The third quarter was neck-in-neck with both teams within a few points of each other throughout the whole quarter. The Warriors held the Vikings to 10 points, while scoring 18 points taking the lead 41-38.

The final quarter had the crowd on their toes. It was a back and forth match between the two teams. With 9 minutes left, the Vikings tied the score at 41 and with 3 minutes left, the Warriors tied the score at 47. The Vikings took off again and with back-to-back free throws, took the lead 53-49 with 12 seconds left. With 7 seconds left in the game, Meghan Peneueta made a layup, but it was not enough for the Warriors to win, ending the game 53-51.  

Jillian Thebodeau had 14 points, 7 rebounds and 3 assists. Thebodeua's rebounds helped the Warriors keep the game close until the end. Peneueta finished the game with 12 points, 6 rebounds and 1 assist.

Coach Steve Shaw commented, "Our goal was to end conference undefeated, so a loss at home is disappointing.  Long Beach is a good team and it is tough to beat a team in conference the second time.  They made plays down the stretch when they needed to and we did not, and that is what it really came down to.  The game could have gone either way and when you get to championship caliber basketball that is how the games are going to be. "

The Warriors have three games left in conference and play EC-Compton (1-6, 7-16 overall) Friday at home at 7:00 pm.